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Traega Hi-Vis Polo Shirt

Product Code: TPS01

From £6.55 exc VAT

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About Traega Hi-Vis Polo Shirt

Stay cool, comfortable, and clearly visible all day long with the Two Band & Brace Polo Shirt featuring KoolFlex® Fabric. This innovative garment combines modern design, exceptional breathability, and enhanced high-visibility features, making it your perfect companion for various work environments.

Key Features:

Unmatched Breathability: Made with 100% polyester KoolFlex® fabric, this polo shirt offers superior airflow and moisture management, keeping you cool and dry even on hot days.
Stylish & Modern Fit: The two-band and brace design delivers a sleek and contemporary look, setting you apart from traditional hi-vis polos.

Uncompromised Safety:
-Complies with EN ISO 20471 Class 2, ensuring excellent visibility in low-light conditions for enhanced safety.
-Tested to GO/RT 3279 Issue 8, meeting railway industry standards (orange colour).
-Strategically placed reflective tape maximizes visibility while offering optimal flexibility and movement.

Functional Design:
-Left breast pocket provides convenient storage for essentials.
-Easy on and off thanks to the strategic placement of the reflective tape.

-Work confidently in various environments knowing you're highly visible and comfortable.
-Project a professional image with the modern and stylish two-band and brace design.
-Stay cool and dry throughout your workday, thanks to the KoolFlex® fabric's exceptional breathability.
-Enjoy the convenience of the pocket and the ease of putting on and taking off the garment.

Ideal for:
-Traffic management personnel
-Construction workers
-Warehouse employees
-Event staff
-Delivery drivers
-Road workers
-Railway workers (orange colour)
-And anyone requiring high visibility and comfort at work.

Order your Two Band & Brace Polo Shirt with KoolFlex® Fabric today and experience the perfect blend of safety, style, and functionality!


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