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Himalayan 4340 #FlyKnit S1P Blue Safety Trainer

Product Code: 4340

From £33.67 exc VAT

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About Himalayan 4340 #FlyKnit S1P Blue Safety Trainer

Himalayan 4340 #FlyKnit Blue Safety Trainer.

This high-quality, comfortable, and durable safety trainer is made with a breathable FlyKnit upper and moisture-wicking Air-Tex lining to keep your feet cool and dry all day long. The Flexi Composite midsole provides excellent shock absorption and support, and the fibreglass toe cap provides protection from impact and compression. The 200C Pu “2D” Non-Slip sole provides excellent traction on a variety of surfaces, and the metal-free construction makes it ideal for workplaces with ESD requirements.


- S1P safety rating
- SRC slip resistance
- Anti static
- Oil resistant
- Blue flyknit upper
- 200C temperature resistant outsole 
- Composite toe cap
- Composite midsole
- PU '2D' non-slip outsole

Sizes: 3 - 16

-Keeps your feet cool and dry
-Helps to keep your feet comfortable all day long
-Provides excellent shock absorption and support
-Protects your feet from impact and compression
-Provides excellent traction on a variety of surfaces
-Ideal for workplaces with ESD requirements
-Lightweight and comfortable
-Easy to find the perfect fit 
